Tuesday, August 31, 2010
This will always make me shiver in delight.
For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;
For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings;
Landscape plotted and pieced--fold, fallow, and plough;
And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim.
All things counter, original, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:
Praise Him.
Hopkins, "Pied Beauty"
Saturday, August 28, 2010
God blessed me with some Portland today.
Today is a good day. I say this partially because yesterday was such an awful day, in spite of the fact that I have copious amounts of reading to do, and largely because I woke up to an overcast sky that enabled me to put on some yoga pants and a flannel and head out for some coffee shop bible-reading and bagel-eating. Did I mention the white chocolate mocha that Cass sold me on? It’s a Grind didn’t disappoint.
Neither did the coffee spot that Natalie, Marin, and a nice fellow named John (Jon?) took me to. McClains is located in the lovely downtown Fullerton and, though I found myself disappointed with the customer service, I was quite pleased with my iced tea and the homey feel of the menu and of the smokers who outside lounged. Quite pleased indeed.
Now I am sitting beside an unmade bed hoping that tonight I will buy a bike. I want to decorate my room. I want it to feel like home! Everything costs money. Bah, bumbug (like ‘humbug’ but less well-off).
Good music seems to be floating in my direction more often than usual. I’ll let you know what makes like butter and sticks (I just made that up...or maybe I didn't).Tuesday, August 24, 2010
He'll take care of it.

Now, as I listen to John Mark McMillan’s voice sing about an adoration for the King of Glory, I feel it. Through my dull headache and developing sore throat I desire for God to “peel back our ribs and step inside of our chests”. Focus, focus, focus. I feel it.
P.S. I get to study Russian as my foreign language here at Biola! I can’t wait to tell Scott (any Linfield readers should understand…)! Oh dear. I hope I will be good at it. Prayer, right? That stuff really sticks.
I need sleep, but I want to be poetic.
“You can’t always get what you want,
But if you try sometimes, you might find,
You get what you need.”
Yeah, yeah.
Monday, August 23, 2010
I go to school.
Oh my goodness, I am so blessed. God has been teaching me many wonderful and rather painful lessons in the past couple weeks. Where to start?
1) 1. I am incredibly prideful. Apparently my academic m otivation is fueled by competition with other students. Not being amazing at something, or rather not knowing that I am better than others at something is difficult for me. This I discovered via the Bible Bridge program that ate up most of my summer. God definitely taught me A LOT through the program, my incredible pride and sin being central.
2) 2. God is enough. Okay, wow. This is a big one. I have learned it in the past and I will learn it again in the future – “I’ve seen that tree before!” My worth, value, identity, future, reward, salvation and LIFE is found in Christ Jesus. Nothing else matters. Nothing else will satisfy my need for joy. Nothing else will give me peace. No amounts of chocolate nor any earthly relationship will adequately fill the hole to be found in the human heart – only the love and acceptance of the Lord is able. This sounds cheesy and you (oh, you reader, you) might be tempted to skip right over it, but I implore you not to. When I think that my purpose in life is to serve and glorify the creator of the universe and that He is enough to provide for my every need AND that I can trust that He will never forsake me…. I find myself at a loss for words. Pain and suffering exist in the world because of the sin of man and God was gracious enough to become man and take on sin so that we might have relationship with Him and be one day free from the evil that it in this world. I yearn for it.
3) 3. My roommate is rad. Yeah, Cass rules. She is from San Diego (ish) and is a particularly competitive Catchphrase player. Plus her tan makes me look like a sheet of paper.
4) 4. Reality L.A. is legit. I went to church at Reality this morning and loved it. Actually I went last week as well, so I wasn’t surprised that I liked it this week. I would make it my home church without question if it were closer, but I will spend some time in prayer and check a couple other places out before I decide. To be an active part of a church body or to stick with having community mainly on campus. Decisions, decisions!
5) 5. I love my families. But you all already knew that.
My list didn’t exactly stay on track. It is late and I have to be up in about six hours. FUN! I’ve missed you, Oh blog-land.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I will soon return.

I haven't blogged in oh-so-long. I don't have time to now...