Thursday, May 6, 2010

Forgetfulness is an agent of the soul.

Sometimes I forget what truth is. That is, I mistake it for something else and am disheartened. Tonight, as I contemplate a Shakespeare paper that should have been completed days ago, I find myself in the aftermath of my fore mentioned confusion and am frustrated. Why is it so difficult for me to be disciplined? Trust, Sarah, trust.

I've got language on the mind. Perhaps it is the horrid (quite wonderfully) social theory we've been assigned for Soviet class: language is neither solely the creation nor the creator of thought, but somehow a combination of both. Constative. Performative. Base. Superstructure. External Master. Truth-there it is again-Public Discourse. Metadiscourse. Mmm mmm mm, the sweetness of language!

Metadiscourse: An umbrella term for words used by a speaker or writer to mark the direction and purpose of a text; broadly defined as "discourse about discourse." Adjective: metadiscursive.

Speaking of language: I should get back to (slash start) Shakespeare. Thanks for the distraction.

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