Friday, November 12, 2010

I am munching on cheerios in class and

I am disappointed. I received an 86 on my Biblical Interpretation and Spiritual Formation midterm. I just want to take this moment to express how much I loathe B's. I studied for hours for this exam and it is frustrating that there was so much room for improvement.

I know, I know. I should be thankful. We are about to spend time in prayer in class so perhaps I will take this time to ask the Lord to change my heart. I need an attitude adjustment.

1 comment:

  1. You definitely should be thankful! That's about 86% higher than I would have gotten on a test like that. Yet, I do understand the extreme dislike for Bs. They're horrible and sting the heart just a little.
    I don't feel you need an attitude adjustment... you just need to adjust your thinking of the value of a B.
    B = better than a C
    B = bomb-diggity!
    B = beautiful
    B = bad ass
