Wednesday, May 18, 2011

And they are tired and the need to be led.

As of tomorrow I will have exercised my body every day for a week. I feel sore, strong and motivated. My attitude toward self is still poor, but I have faith that God is doing a work in me. I intend to continue placing my mind on things of heaven and not on things of the flesh. I intend to continue praying honestly and under grace. I'm swimming in grace.

Today in Fives chapel, Dr. Todd Pickett showed us two jars that normally sit on his office desk. Each jar contained sand, settled at the bottom, with clear water resting above it. As a metaphor for the muddiness of our lives, Pickett shook one of the jars so that the sand made the water brown and murky. He then informed a packed room that it would take three days for the sand to settle at the bottom of the jar. It takes three whole days after any trauma inflicted on the jar for the water to become clean and clear again. This is how I feel. My water is murky, but I know that the sand will settle - that God is working gravity out to my advantage.

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