Friday, September 9, 2011

Kingdom Come!

Okay, so I might be addicted to trail mix. I don't eat it while on a trail, however, unless the trail of discarded raisins that run from the cupboard to the couch counts. I go through about one tub of Target's Monster Trail Mix per week: it accompanies every meal and consists of nearly every snack. What can I say? That M&M and peanut combo has really got me hooked.

As fascinating as the above paragraph is, I am saddened that, having finished, I don't know what else to share. My life is busy and I am turning 21 in about a week but I can't seem to figure out what to write. I've attempted two blogs in the past week, but each time I sit down I find myself staring at a blinking cursor and finally distracting myself with Facebook or Tumblr. Oh Tumblr, perhaps you have been my downfall! Blogger has somehow become intimidating - I crave the immediate satisfaction of re-blogging someone else's thoughts, ideas or inspiration. My friend Meghan described it as an "inspiration board of your life," which is wonderfully accurate, but...that's all it is. I don't flush out ideas or improve as a writer, thinker, or story-teller on Tumblr! Ay, Tumblr has made me lazy. And Facebook has made me distracted. Oh gracious.

So, perhaps I ought to face my fears and just keep writing. I am learning so, so much, I've got to share it! For example:

How wonderful is it that heaven isn't made up of clouds and togas and harps? That's right folks, when Kingdom comes, we will not find ourselves bored senseless, but will instead spend eternity engaging with the great, mysterious, incomprehensible, knowable, loving, kind, holy, just, graceful, and merciful, creator of the universe. We will never, ever, exhaust our knowledge of Him. Further, the world that we know now - while twisted and distorted by sin - was created by God and so, why do we imagine that the Kingdom will look so different? The entire world will be redeemed: nature, food, our bodies, those beautiful things that move our hearts....all of it! Oh,

"I will exhort you, my God and King,
and bless your name forever and ever.
Every day I will bless you
and praise your name forever and ever.
Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised,
and his greatness is unsearchable."

Psalm 145:1-3

1 comment:

  1. I love that I'm just reading this and I texted you about trail mix two days ago.
