Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Initialize Intentionalizer...

It is odd how, at times when it is calloused and contrite, a heart is brought to renewal. How when I am on my face, frustrated with my lack of passion and seeming apathy, "he restores my soul" (Psalm 23:3).

Last night I was lying in bed reading John Piper’s “Desiring God.” I was becoming increasingly annoyed with the nonchalance at which I approached what had previously been life-changing material. After some scripture (Psalm 51 and The gospel of John), prayer and thought, it suddenly occurred to me that I was not living my life for God’s glory in the manner I once had.

Who am I to live life for anything else? I thought of the changes that evidenced God’s presence and work in my life. I thought of the overflow of His joy that I am being allowed to partake in. I thought of the feeling, the deep, rooted, impossible-to-ignore emotion that had once been inspired in me, and longed for it.

“As the deer pants for streams of water,
So my soul pants for you, O God.” (Psalm 42:1)

So, naturally, I decided to take action. Aside from utilizing prayer and scripture, I am going to “intentional-ize” my life:

Sarah’s Life for the Glory of God: Take Two
1) I will glorify God with my body. In all the normal purity ways, of course, but I also want to honor God by keeping my body healthy and strong. So that means watching what I eat (No, not just watching it as it goes in my mouth…ha) and making sure that I am working out. I have already started this, but now, I am going to be doing it for the glory of God and not for the glory of Sarah.
2) I will glorify God with my time. I seem to be having issues with this one. There are times when I will literally be staring off into space rather then picking up the Word and drinking it up. Call it laziness, call it humanity, whatever you like, but it ends now. I want to be productive with my days, but more importantly, I want them to center on the Lord and I want my use of time to prove it.
3) I want to KNOW my God. My friend Kelsey and I were talking about this last night. There are times when I feel so ignorant of the Lord and his Word. I want to know more! I want to internalize scripture and use it to fight off the lies I tell myself. I want to study the Word, not because I love knowing things, but because I desire a more intimate relationship with Him. That last part will be a struggle.

Well, that’s all I have for now. Reading back over this, I feel like I sound precocious but this me, and there isn’t a lot I can do about that. As for today, I just finished up some reading and am now about to head to the gym. See you next time, folks.

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